
Bio-Well Software Release 6.0.11 from 28.12.2024

  • New Lifestyle tab.
    Lifestyle tab shows 6 spheres of life that influence our Stress, Energy and Balance levels the most:
    Physical activity, Nutrition, Psychology, Hormonal activity, Regime of the day, Environment.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 6.0.10 from 12.10.2024

  • Added possibility to export data in XLS format.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 6.0.9 from 10.08.2024

  • No pop-up window with the software update reminder while logging in into the software.
    If the Bio-Well software was installed on your Mac from the AppStore then there will be no more reminders about the new versions during the log in process.
  • Reset button added in the Calibration screen.
    If User gets an empty image during the calibration or has an error during the calibration process - now it is possible to click "Reset" button to return the device to the factory settings and try to run the calibration again.
  • "Conclusions and recommendations" section has been removed from the Report.
    We have deleted this section from the automatic report in order not to confuse our users. As long as only a trained Bio-Well specialist can make any conclusions and recommendations based on Bio-Well scans, knowing all the multiple factors influencing the state of the person and the conditions of the measurements.
  • Palette selection in Compare mode.
    In the Compare mode now it is possible to select the preferred palette of the glow.

Bio-Well Software Release from 29.03.2024

  • Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release from 01.02.2024

  • Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 6.0.6 from 11.01.2024

  • Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 6.0.4 from 13th of October 2023

  1. Settings menu has been added under the Account button.
    In the Settings menu you can select the Theme of the interface (dark, light or automatic), size of the buttons, switch between the names of the Charkas/Nervous centers tab, edit the visuals of the graphs in the software.
  2. New visual representation of Chakras has been added – Nervous centers.
    If your clients are not resonating with the Chakras concept – you can now switch to Nervous centers name.
    This will affect the following:
    • Name of the tab will change to Nervous centers;
    • Interpretation text will contain less information;
    • Background picture will change too.
  3. Arabic language fixes. Thanks to our official representative in Kuwait!
  4. South Korean language has been added. Thanks to Luke Sim!
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release

  1. Energy and Area diagram overlay function has been reformed and returned back to the software.
    If the gap between the graphs is close to the average gap in the scan - then sector will be colored in green, if the gap is much smaller - in red, if it is much bigger - in yellow.
  2. Calibration process update. Now Bio-Well will be calibrating not only Area and Intensity, but also the spectrum of the glow.
  3. Update of translation to various languages.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release

  1. New norms of overall Energy parameter (40-60).
  2. New parameters for Balance assessment (old overall Balance parameter has been removed).
  3. Info buttons on all tabs in the software with interpretation information.
  4. "Show Area diagram" button has been removed from the "Energy diagram" tab.
  5. Colored indicators added on all the tabs.
  6. Spleen and Pancreas meridian calculation has been corrected.
  7. Improved calculation of the balance for specific organ or system (which have several sectors).
  8. Greyscale and NEW contrast palettes are available on "Energy Field" and "Fingers" tabs.
  9. Correction of the blue line and ellipse feature during capturing process has been added.
  10. Updated text of the report.
  11. Improved translations to several languages.
  12. Improved stability of the software for MAC and Windows.
  13. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release from 02.06.2022

  1. Calibration should be made at least once a day. If it is not done – you will see the notification on the Scanning screen that you need to make a calibration.
  2. Calibration is now available in the offline mode. Please make it before making any new scans in the Offline mode. When you will Upload the scans – Offline Calibration results will also be uploaded and implemented.
  3. Calibration protocol has been improved. If nothing has changed in the environmental conditions – then calibration will be done in 5 seconds.
  4. On the “Organs energy” and “Yin/Yang” tabs balance parameter is added together with the color indication of it.
  5. Intervals of the “Stress” parameter were renamed.
  6. Left menu with the Database, Recent, Received, etc. has been moved to the top of the screen. It gives you more space to see the actual results.
  7. Cards and Experiments column’s width can be adjusted.
  8. New scan can be initiated not only from the Database screen, but also from the Recent, Received and Tracker screens.
  9. Romanian language has been added. Thanks to Aurelian Ursulescu!
  10. Various interface bugs improvements and adjustments.
  11. Order of meridians in the Yin/Yang tab is now adjusted according to their time of activity.
  12. Major change for the MacBook users. Starting from version we will have 2 versions of the Bio-Well software: for the users with MacOS 10.10 till 10.12 software download will be available on website, for the users with MacOS 10.13 and higher (including M1 chip versions) Bio-Well software will be available for download on the AppStore (iTunes).
  13. Dark theme is now available in the Bio-Well software. It turns ON when operating system turns the dark theme ON.

Bio-Well Software Release from 31.12.2021

  1. In the scanning modes: "Full scan", "Stress scan" and "One finger" automatic cleaning of the noise on the images is now available. It is called "Autoclean". By default it is enabled, so the program will clean automatically all the noise pixels that it will detect, and you will not need to waste your time on erasing the noise manually. It will save a lot of time and make your scans more accurate and reliable!
    Just check that "Autoclean" is marked in the top right corner of the screen.
    If you disable it you will still be able to use automatic cleaning function once you finish the scanning process - just click the "Clean" button.
    If the noise pixels are attached to the main glow of the finger - program will not erase them and you will have to clean them manually or just rescan the finger.
  2. Minor bug fixes and translation updates.

Bio-Well Software Release from 26.09.2021

  1. Error with unexpected shutting down of the program on Mac OS X has been fixed.
  2. Improved calibration process.
  3. Selection of chapters in the Compare report has been added.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Bio-Well Software Release from 15.07.2021

  1. New representation mode of the results in "Environment" mode: Cloud.
  2. In the Compare mode for Energy(C) and Area(C) norms are shown as colors of background.
  3. You can share the report right from the report page. For example, send it right away to the client without saving it to the computer.
  4. Error with the sequence of fingers representation in "One finger" mode has been fixed.
  5. Percentage of completion is shown when creating a Chakra music file.
  6. Program crash error has been fixed for cases when some fingers are incorrectly captured.

Bio-Well Software Release from 14.04.2021

  1. “Stress test” regime of capturing has been renamed to “Stress Scan”.
  2. Chakra music file is now saved in the MP3 format.
  3. When switching between the scans in one Card program will show the tab on which you were in the previous Scan – it will speed up the comparison of the scans between each other.
  4. During the “Full Scan” and “Stress Scan” User can switch between the fingers using buttons on the keyboard: Up/Down/Left/Right and Home/End.
  5. Editing the image during scanning can be entered by double clicking on the image.
  6. In the Compare mode User can use keyboard arrows Up/Down to switch between the compared scans.
  7. HS parameter on “Area Diagram” is given in a new color – more visible.
  8. Error with numbers below Balance chart in the report has been fixed.
  9. Program is now remembering the last path of saving files on your computer.
  10. Inner noise calculation error has been fixed.
  11. Czech language has been added.
  12. German translation has been fixed.
  13. Multiple screens support has been improved.
  14. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release from 30.08.2020

  1. New feature added: "Tracker" (below "Calibration" button). It allows you to compare Energy and Stress over a day, a week, a month or a year, and compare with the biorhythms. Just select any Card in your database, select the period: day, week, month or year, and see how the Energy and Stress state changes over time.
  2. Minor bug fixes.
  3. Translation corrections.

Bio-Well Software Release from 16.06.2020

  1. Time of the report in Full scan has been fixed.
  2. Offline mode error with the account expiry date has been fixed.
  3. Toolbox panel can not be removed now from the report window.
  4. In the Energy Field tab Energy and Intensity values now are given with two digits after the integer (in the same way as on the other parts of the software).

Bio-Well Software Release from 26.05.2020

  1. Bug with “Birthday” fields sizes has been fixed for Mac.
  2. In Environment regime: “Deviation S” is renamed to “Area Deviation”; “Event” button removed from the “Entropy” graph; Entropy formula fixed.
  3. Settings button is available for Bio-Well 1 users in Environment regime: users can select the period between the captures from 5 seconds up to 60 seconds.
  4. Various bug fixes of the capturing fingers process: false exclamation marks, glitches and freezing of the program.
  5. If User’s account is in Expired status one will not be able to run any experiment. Pop-up notification has been added.
  6. New design of Chakras tab has been added. Just click “Colored view” to change the interface. If you click “Colored view” all the Chakras will be opened in this view by default. You can return to the initial view at any moment by clicking this button again.

Bio-Well Software Release from 04.04.2020

  1. In the “Report” time of the experiment has been added.
  2. Users are allowed to log in to the software even if their subscription has got Expired, they can work with the database, but can’t make any new measurements and calibration.
  3. Switching to the “Analysis” mode in Compare mode for “One finger” scans has been redesigned. Now it is a separate button.
  4. New button “Full screen” has been added for the “Environment” mode capturing. Useful for real-time observations
  5. In the Cards details several fields has been removed. Only “Name”, “Sex”, “Date of birth” and “Add a Note” fields are left. In the existing Cards all the information from the deleted fields has been moved to the field “Add a Note” (Notes section).
  6. New way of automatic data processing has been added to the “Environment” experiments – button “Analysis”. Each column on the graph represents the average value of the corresponding parameter from 300 images. When you make an experiment with 1 image per second speed – each column on the graph represents 5 minutes, when 1 image per 5 seconds – each column is equal to 25 minutes. Watch the video instruction
  7. During finger capturing process the background is cleared automatically from noise, only clusters of 30 pixels and more will be left on the image. Background is absolutely white or black (when you are editing the captured image). You can see only those pixels that will be saved on the server. It makes the editing work of the Bio-Well User much easier: you can clearly see which pixels will be processed
  8. Formula for Entropy calculation in the “Environment” mode has been improved. You can read more about Entropy calculation in the paper
  9. Corrections in translations.
  10. Japanese language has been added. Thanks to Francis Chen from Taiwan
  11. Minor bug fixes

Bio-Well Software from 09.08.2019

New in

  1. During the "Environment" scans the timer is reset to 0:00 after 3 minutes (used for warming up).
  2. Calculation method of the Entropy for the "Environment" scans has been changed:
    • If you add a label with the name "Event" then all the previuos images are treated as background (reference), and all the ongoing images are compared with the average Entropy of the background (reference) time.
    • Entropy is calculated based on minimum 300 images (5 minutes with 1-second interval).
    • If Entropy graph is present on the screen then "Event" button is showed on the left top corner of the Entropy graph. After minimum of 300 images button "Event" will become active. Once you click it - "Event" label will be added to the experiment.
  3. Translations are updated.
  4. Bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release from 07.06.2019

New in

  1. Alternative coloring pallete is deleted from single finger preview. Now only greyscale and stadnard coloring modes are left.
  2. In the Compare regime: notes are shown right under the name of the experiment.
  3. Minimal Mac OS is 10.10 starting from this version of the Bio-Well software (due to update of the libraries).
  4. Translation updates for Portuguese, Swedish and German languages.
  5. Fixed bug with full screen mode for MAC
  6. Fixed bug with the automatic report structure.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 5.9.0 from 27.02.2019

New in 5.9.0:

1. Names of the sectors now are different for male/female cards.

2. «L/R symmetry» parameter is renamed to «Balance».

3. «Emotional pressure» parameter is renamed to «Stress» as it is connected with overall stress and not only emotional.

4. «Health status» tab is renamed to «Area diagram», «Energy reserve» tab is renamed to «Energy diagram», so that their names will be congruent with the actual curves on the diagrams.

5. Colors on the «Analysis» tab are equal to ones on the «Energy diagram» and «Balance» tabs.

6. New formula is used for calculation of «Stress» parameter — more accurate and sensitive. It is applied only for BW 2.0 devices.

7. Urino-genital system is added to the «Balance» tab graph.

8. «Organs balance» parameter is substituted by «Organs imbalance» parameter. It is calculated now as an overall «Energy» dominance of one of the hands (for the organs and systems present on both hands) and is given in %.

9. In the «Environment» scan results it is possible to add labels manually by entering the exact time of the label from the start of the experiment.

10. Minor fixes in the functionality + bug fixes.

11. Updated translations + Slovenian language added (thanks to Bojan Dobaj).

Bio-Well Software Release 5.8.0 from 01.11.2018

On 1st of November 2018 we will release a new software 5.8.0 with the following list of updates:

  1. Comments are showed for each Scan in the Compare window. If you export the images comments will be added there too.
  2. You can change the Finger name in One Finger Scan even after Analyzing it. If you change the Finger name — all the data will be recalculated.
  3. Updated Czech and Traditional Chinese translation.
  4. New button: share Energy Field, Chakras or integral parameters from Analysis tab on Facebook, Telegram, Twitter or e-mail.
  5. Index parameter for Chakras has been removed due to inconsistencies found in our testing.
  6. 3D View was originally included as a fun graphical representation of a complete scan. However, as it has no informational purpose, and we have found most clients do not use it, we have decided to remove it as well.
  7. Meditation regime is removed, while Entropy parameter is added to Environment regime.
  8. Now you can see the actual fingers EPI/GDV images in «Stress test» regime results.
  9. Bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release from 15.06.2018

New in

1. Translation updates for several languages.

2. In the Compare subprogram for «One finger» mode measurements we have changed the mathematical formula for the graph «Boxes with whiskers»: whiskers now are representing standard deviation of the selected parameter.

3. Minor bug fixes.

Bio-Well Software Release 5.6.1 from 26.03.2018

New in 5.6.1:

1. Updated translation of the software and report for Czech, Swedish, German, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese languages.

2. New features in generating automatic report:

 2.1. You can select the blocks of information that you want to include in the report. Just mark them and the rest (unmarked) will not be included.

 2.2. You can use your personal header and footer so that report will be personalized. You can upload header image with your company name and logo, and image with contact details in the footer.

 2.3. Report is divided into pages automatically: header and footer will be added on all of them.

 2.4. Pages are numerated.

 2.5. New block of information is added: conclusions and basic recommendations.

 2.6. Changes in font sizes and text arrangement.

3. Yin/Yang black and white sign with percentage is deleted from the subprogram Yin/Yang as it was not accurate and efficient. Energy values for the meridians are available.

4. New features and improvements in statistics (Environment and Meditation scans):

 4.1. Minimal interval for automatic labels setting is 1 minute (5 minutes in previous versions).

 4.2. Interval between the beginning of the experiment and the first label is now taken into consideration and is added to statistics. Same about interval between the last label and the end of the experiment.

 4.3. Actual values of the parameter for a specific interval are represented at the bottom table instead of the top of the bar.

5. Description words on the Chakra picture are improved + Energy of Chakras is presented with decimal digit.

You can find the history of the updates on the Bio-Well Forum - here.